Sunday, November 7, 2010

My thoughts on Stephanie Heisner's thoughts on DADT

         Fortunately, I came across a colleague of mine's blog about an issue that I knew existed but hadn't really given it much thought. Stephanie Heisner provides a direct and factual blog on DADT, the policy that restricts the U.S. Military from efforts to unravel details of those enlisted about their gay, lesbian, or bisexual orientation. While at the same time, barring those who are openly gay, lesbian, or bisexual from military service. She adds current information on the status of the DADT policy, claiming that as of October 12, 2010 the policy is no longer in effect. However, on October 20, 2010 there was an emergency request granted to allow the policy to remain on the books, so the appeals court would have more time to deliberate the issues exhibited. Ms. Heisner then goes into further detail on her opinions of the matter, which I have to say I whole heartedly agree with. Heisner states, "In my opinion, sexual orientation is no different than religion, everyone has a right to their own belief and to express that belief. So you serve with someone you know is gay, what does that change? There are gays in the military now, but they have to hide a part of themselves in fear. That is not only unconstitutional, but it's also inhumane. Soldiers will serve with people from all walks of life that is inevitable; the only thing that matters is that everyone does their job." We are in a new era, an era that is constantly changing and becoming more understanding of peoples differences and beliefs. Why stop now? There is only so much time here on earth, and for people of higher authority to try and discriminate against what someone wants to do with this precious time is almost cruel. For all you know, the incredible soldier that saved you, that works hard and fights for his/her country, that busts his/her ass just as hard if not harder than anyone you know, might just be gay. What does this change? Does it make him or her less of a man or women? The correct answer is no. We are all human beings. We are all equal. We should all be given the same opportunities no matter what gender, race, or sexual orientation we fall under. I quote Ms. Heisner for the perfect ending to this blog, "Our Constitution reads that all men are created equal. It's about time our country recognizes that."

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