Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What's wrong with our government?

While I was browsing through abcnews.com, I came across an article that shocked and disturbed me to my very core. The article was about a family in Tennessee that's house caught on fire and the firefighters stood there and watched it as all of these peoples' belongings burned straight into the ground. Why on earth would these firefighters sit there and let that happen you might ask? Well, it's because this family forgot to pay a $75 dollar fee that this town knows as "Pay to Spray". In other words, if you don't pay this $75 fire protection fee and call your local fire department, they will show up to your house but not stop the fire. What's even MORE absurd about this crazy law (not to mention that these people shouldn't even have to pay a fee to the city when that's what these firefighters are getting paid to do, their job) is that the people outside of the city limits don't have to pay a fee, and still use the same fire department! This concept is truly beyond me, how could a group of people trained to stop fires sit there and watch a family's life burn to the ground over $75? I guess it's true when they say it really is all about the money.

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